Neurological Trauma (JTM)


Neurological Trauma

Neurological trauma is an injury to the brain, spine or nerves. Accidents involving vehicles, bikes, sports or falls usually cause these types of injuries. Neurological trauma can often affect many areas of the body- including the organs, blood vessels, muscles and bones -so care requires a team of specialists.

 Brain and spinal cord injuries need 24-hour care and monitoring. MU Health Care has a neuroscience intensive care unit (ICU) designed just for people with these types of injuries.

Head trauma is any injury to your head, from a minor bump on the skull to serious brain trauma. It usually comes from getting hit on the head or skull and can happen if you fall, if there’s a sudden acceleration-deceleration head trauma can cause your brain cells to malfunction. The extent of the injury and how long it lasts depends on how badly you were hurt.

Intensive Care for Neurological Trauma and Disease presents the progress in intensive care in terms of technological development on life-support and monitoring systems. This book discusses the ideal neurologic intensive care environment that is based on developments in other specialized care units. Organized into 24 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the problem of neurological trauma. This text then presents the accident scene management protocol for acute spinal cord injury as a standard to other forms of trauma system pre-hospital care. Other chapters consider the appropriate drugs and dosages for the management of status epilepticus in the newborn and older children. This book discusses as well the findings on the neurological examination and provides a framework for an etiological classification that has direct therapeutic implications. The final chapter deals with the clinical aspects, diagnosis, and management of neuromuscular diseases. This book is a valuable resource for clinicians and intensive care unit nurses.

Feel free to share your research work on related topics in Journal of Trauma & Treatment which offers information in all aspects of Trauma, Veterans, Orthopaedics, Injury, Fractures, Psychological trauma, Psychiatry, Surgery, Brain Trauma, Anxiety, Mental Health, Depression, Pain, Violence etc., It also deals with diagnostic methods, therapeutic approaches, clinical, laboratory research and reconstructive techniques.

Journal uses Editorial Tracking System for quality in review process. Editorial Manager is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Orthopedics & Oncology or outside experts; at least two independent reviewer’s approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system.

Journal Considers Research article, Review articles, editorial, letter, case reports, short communications, original articles from leading scientists and scholars around the world in all areas of related to Trauma, Veterans, Orthopaedics, Injury, Fractures, Psychological trauma, Psychiatry, Surgery, Brain Trauma, Anxiety, Mental Health, Depression, Pain, Violence etc., which come under the scope of the journal.

You may submit your manuscript as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at;


Katie Ashley

Editorial Team

Journal of Trauma & Treatment